Jesus tells us that if we want to truly love, the way he loves, we need to stay connected. He used the vine and the branches as his illustration. I think we know if we disconnect before the download is done, we lose the file. I hate it when that happens. And in the olden days of dial up, you could get bumped before the download was finished, or you can have a momentary blip in the electrical current to put your computer on restart and lose the file. It's not fun, and it can be truly nerve wracking.
Life is too hectic these days, to try to go a long time on old energy and perspectives. Needing a regular update, infusion of spiritual power and resources is a really good idea. Jesus suggested it a long time ago, but we usually prefer our own solutions. So let's work on staying connected to the Vine.
We had the sound technician come to church yesterday. It was amazing how he plugged his laptop into our system and could test and read all the variables to the system. He could make adjustments in his laptop for maximum output. It was illuminating to watch. But like my conversation with you, it will require an update soon. It's based on Windows XP. There are only four churches in this companies' client list still using the old system. The others have upgraded. Some day, when we have lot's of money, it would be nice. He was telling me of a church that records and videos their services for their service men and women overseas. It's on their church's website, and when ever the soldiers need a touch of home, they can watch the service online, see the people, hear the message and the choir, and know that they are being prayed for. The world is constantly being upgraded. Jesus urges us to remain connected to him for the latest spiritual resources.
So what can we do to remain connected to the Vine. Here is what Jesus said. "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vineyard keeper. He removes any of my branches that don't produce fruit, and he trims any branch that produces fruit, so that it will produce even more fruit. You are already trimmed because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. A branch cannot produce fruit by itself, but must remain in the vine. Likewise, you can't produce fruit unless you remain in me... If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you." (John 15: 1-7 Common English Bible CEB)
Wow, if we remain in his influence, if his words and teachings are kept current in our hearts, we will produce fruit, we will grow, and in the very last part, our prayers will be answered.
So we need to figure out if we are truly and deeply connected to the vine, or whether we have to prune some things in our lives, so that we can be a healthy branch with lots of fruit? It may start with some tough questions about pruning, cutting back what gets in the way of our connection with Jesus?
Are we so busy, we don't have time to read the Bible for spiritual direction? Are we confused by the Bible and what it says? Do we need to find the best places in the Bible for good guidance? Do we need a version of the Bible that we can actually understand? That sounds like a good reason to join a Bible Study. This fall we offer one on Monday nights, an entry level, you don't need any prior knowledge of the Bible to be able to be in the class. So one of the major connections is to be in meditation with Scripture.
One of the great blessings of connection is a community of faith, a group, of spiritual pilgrims traveling towards a deeper faith life by helping each other. Sometimes we get so busy we don't have time for the worship connection. Maybe our pruning could involve our Sunday schedule, so we can have time for worship. Here we have two elements of connecting, worshipping God and loving our neighbors, two powerful ways to keep us connected to the Vine.
One of the connections, with a promise of ask what you want and it will be done, is prayer. How much time do you pray? It's a good habit to develop, and like habits, it takes some work. Start out with some more prayer time, At meals, when getting up, when lying down, when waiting for the coffee to fill your cup. when you are on hold on the phone, when you are watching the little beach ball on your computer screen spin around. I pray at red lights, but always with my eyes open, I don't like getting beeped at by the driver behind me. Traveling up and down Old Georgetown Rd, there are lots of prayer moments. You will be surprised how much more prayer you can get in on a regular day. And then when you purposely set time aside for prayer, it will seem even better and a more fruitful endeavor for you.
Well that should give you some ideas to think about. Blessings on your connections to the real source of love and an awesome life, Jesus Christ.
Pastor Jeff