In the year King Uzziah died, the prophet, in his grief, turned to God in the Temple. For many of us, there may be a feeling that our hope for the new king, has died, and we turn to God. There is hope, and a lot of it in this passage from Isaiah 6:1-8
In grief, anger, frustration, agony and surprise that can feel like shock, we have the situation that Isaiah was going through, before he was called to be a prophet no less. The grief pushed Isaiah toward the temple, while there he had an encounter with God and it changed his life. In our grief, we too should turn to God and find the same blessings in the midst of tragedy or uncertainty.
What can help you to connect to God? For Isaiah it was the temple, it was the music he heard the singing of Holy Holy Holy and it brought him closer to the source of comfort. In his recognition of his own life circumstances the connection to God was a fearful one. But our loving God responded to that fear with forgiveness. The Seraphim brought the burning coal from the altar and it touched his lips and he was pronounced healed, forgiven, purified. The anger, frustration, fear, anxiety and confusion went away. In that cleaned up moment, he was able to hear God more clearly. He heard God say, who will share my message with those who need it?
He responded, here am I, send me! He became a prophet, a spokesperson, a representative for God and did some awesome things proclaiming the coming of the king, our Jesus.
So following Election night, some of us are filled with grief, anger, frustration, loss of dreams and what could have been, afraid that awful things will now happen, etc. We need to seek God's help for sure. And the answers are going to be the same, and the results can be powerful.
As we reach out to God, we can sense that we aren't perfect, the world we live in is not as we thought it might be, hence the" I am one of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips." We are all in need of forgiveness. Some of us have hoped that the form of government would put our Christian responsibilities into law and do the work of faith for us. Others have hoped that the government would encourage us so that we would grow more numerous and stronger, not put up barriers to our practice of faith, nor put into place much of what we may feel goes against God's will. But we are of unclean lips and in need of forgiveness.
Our loving God gets on that right away. We are forgiven. We can hear a message of hope from God and can respond. We can remember that we as Christians have not always had the favored position. The first Christians had the Romans over them, which sometimes included being fed to the lions for having faith. Not every form of government has always totally appreciated what they believe in. And yet they did what God and the Kingdom of God would have asked for, or at least tried it. And we can do that too.
But first, before we resolve to fix our concerns, we need to act as Christ like in this situation as possible. Paraphrasing Galatians 3:27-28, "As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; {There is no longer Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative} for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." We are going to have to be touched by God's altar coal to move to a more positive outlook toward one another.
Paul's words to the Ephesians, 4:1-3 "I likewise beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." is something we sorely need right now. Are you willing to be more patient and loving?
Micah too warned us about times like these and taught us to focus. "To do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with God." Micah 6:8. Those things are still important and still available to us, no matter who won the election. These must still be important to us. This must still guide our actions, thoughts, and demeanor.
John Wesley knew about elections. "Though we cannot all think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may, herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences."
In the midst of this grief, doubt, anxiety and anger, we can refocus on hearing God ask us to be about God's agenda still. We are called to be about the mission of Jesus still. There are people to feed, people to clothe, eyes to open, people to respect and care for. We must remember that the reforms that helped people the most, came out of individuals with a mission and purpose, and a faith to motivate them to good things. Rarely has it come from a President or Congress or business.
We look to and appreciate those who truly changed lives, often one life at a time. Harriet Tubman, Susan B Anthony, Jane Addams, Dorothy Day, Rosa Parks, Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, Martin Luther King, Jr. By their sheer will and determination, followed their dreams and made things happen. These individuals changed the world as we know it. We can be the next world changers, as we turn to God in our grief and anxiety, as we approach God, as we sense God's forgiveness and blessing, as we hear God's direction, we can make a difference, the one we believed in could happen.
A passion driven person can right a wrong, can write, speak, blog, recruit, collect and make a difference for a just cause. You could be the next one!
Out of adversity, can come a new resolve. Out of fear, can come determination. We can reject darkness, by working for the light, we can reject hatred, by working for love to grow and heal.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to find a way to "Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can." thank you John Wesley. Or you can recognize "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Thank you Martin Luther King, Jr.
When it feels like Uzziah died in your world, seek God, accept the forgiveness, and move into proclaiming the good news. Now and always. Amen.
Pastor Jeff
reflections on spiritual life, help for the journey a pilgrimage of growing faith and overcoming death. And a chance to dialogue about that.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Religion's Role in Culture
With all the conversations and the news these days, the topic of the role or the absence of religion in the culture keeps coming up. There are so many ways to look at this issue and criticism of the role it plays is rightfully due, I'm afraid. But I would hold out for the right way of being faithful and devoted followers of Jesus Christ is what we really need to help us with what George Washington knew and declared at his Farewell Address as the first President of these United States.
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.".
George Washington's Farewell Address.
He could speak to this because he witnessed a great deal first hand, that is similar to our struggles and challenges of today. We need the morality, the obligation that is connected to the right way to do faith in culture.
He saw the beginnings of the struggle for independence. He participated in the grueling challenge to lead the army toward that independence. He was present for the arguments that led to our formulating what is, in principle, the best form of government in the world. He knows the difficulty of leading this country as it's primary leader, and with all that evidence in his life, he was determined to tell us that we need the influence in our culture of faith.
With the tragedies of innocent victims of terrorist attacks, we need faith to under-gird our responses to those who have done this. With the ugliness of racism, and class-ism, and the outrage expressed to people who are from other nations, we need the spirit of love and compassion of Jesus more than ever.
What I pray for is not a return to religion, but a growing sense of relationship to one another that is totally and completely influenced by the spirit of Jesus. If love of God helps us from a moralistic standpoint to behave properly in respect and in gratitude to God for the blessings we have, and the love of neighbor is what God would want from us, we need to embody the spirit and style of Jesus.
We are in a good place for that. Jesus reminded us before he returned to God, that his style, his love, his perspective on treating others, is available to each of us. My Spirit, I give to you, he said in John's record of his final conversation with his disciples. Don't worry about what to say the Spirit will give you the right words to speak, that will bring the right solution to our problems.
The tall order is that we pay attention to Jesus enough to adopt his style, his influence, his love for all of our circumstances. This will mean we must learn of him, study him, recognize his direction, so that his spirit might be available to influence us in the way we behave and treat each other. We can do some of this on our own. But it will be so much better for us and for our culture, our country, our community if we reinforce our understanding by being involved deeply in a community that does the same. If we study together, if we encourage each other, if we pray and support each other, we will be a powerful influence on our country when it needs it the most.
I don't want more religion, because that doesn't seem to help. I want more people living in the style of Jesus. We need more apprentices who follow Jesus' lead in what we say, how we speak out to others about what is going on in our country now. Especially as we approach this election season, we need to hear from that Spirit in a powerful way. Pray for it.
Pastor Jeff
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.".
George Washington's Farewell Address.
He could speak to this because he witnessed a great deal first hand, that is similar to our struggles and challenges of today. We need the morality, the obligation that is connected to the right way to do faith in culture.
He saw the beginnings of the struggle for independence. He participated in the grueling challenge to lead the army toward that independence. He was present for the arguments that led to our formulating what is, in principle, the best form of government in the world. He knows the difficulty of leading this country as it's primary leader, and with all that evidence in his life, he was determined to tell us that we need the influence in our culture of faith.
With the tragedies of innocent victims of terrorist attacks, we need faith to under-gird our responses to those who have done this. With the ugliness of racism, and class-ism, and the outrage expressed to people who are from other nations, we need the spirit of love and compassion of Jesus more than ever.
What I pray for is not a return to religion, but a growing sense of relationship to one another that is totally and completely influenced by the spirit of Jesus. If love of God helps us from a moralistic standpoint to behave properly in respect and in gratitude to God for the blessings we have, and the love of neighbor is what God would want from us, we need to embody the spirit and style of Jesus.
We are in a good place for that. Jesus reminded us before he returned to God, that his style, his love, his perspective on treating others, is available to each of us. My Spirit, I give to you, he said in John's record of his final conversation with his disciples. Don't worry about what to say the Spirit will give you the right words to speak, that will bring the right solution to our problems.
The tall order is that we pay attention to Jesus enough to adopt his style, his influence, his love for all of our circumstances. This will mean we must learn of him, study him, recognize his direction, so that his spirit might be available to influence us in the way we behave and treat each other. We can do some of this on our own. But it will be so much better for us and for our culture, our country, our community if we reinforce our understanding by being involved deeply in a community that does the same. If we study together, if we encourage each other, if we pray and support each other, we will be a powerful influence on our country when it needs it the most.
I don't want more religion, because that doesn't seem to help. I want more people living in the style of Jesus. We need more apprentices who follow Jesus' lead in what we say, how we speak out to others about what is going on in our country now. Especially as we approach this election season, we need to hear from that Spirit in a powerful way. Pray for it.
Pastor Jeff
Thursday, August 18, 2016
World Future Society Challenges Us to move forward.
From CEO Julie Friedman Steele’s intro speech
Pillars of the future, but awesome for discipleship
1. Have Empathy, see others from their perspective in life
2. Be a Life Long Learner, always learning new things
3. Be a Life Long Unlearner, abandoned what no longer works
4. Be a Dreamer, constantly thinking about what could be
5. Be comfortable feeling uncomfortable, the world keeps changing
6. Be a Collaborator, we all need each other, work with others
7. Be a Visionary Doer, put new things into action, practice etc.
If as people of faith want to make a difference for our world and help usher in the kingdom, we ought to be into this too. Empathy, genuinely getting connected to our brothers and sisters, not only from a spiritual stand point, but for our communities, our nation and our world. Here is where Scripture admonishes us to be welcoming the stranger, and especially mindful of accepting the immigrants. There are multiple references to reminders from God that we were aliens too in our faith history. Love one another, helps to fulfill the second great commandment. Empathy is applying our awareness of what people are going through, so that we can relate to them in positive ways.
Empathy, we must care for others, it will motivate us to do something about what’s wrong.
A disciple of Jesus is a life long learner. Jesus said teach each other all that he taught us, we will constantly be learning about ourselves and God and others. Seek wisdom, our scripture admonishes us to do. Each day can reveal something new about God and our world, so that we can respond and connect and make it better. Learning doesn't ever have to stop. That's what will keep us young, fresh ideas will inspire us to make a positive step forward.
The old has gone, the new has come. Be ready for behold God does a new thing, can’t you see it? We have to put away permanently that the old way was so good. It's never been perfect. Because we were used to it, made it feel good. Our political challenges right now are that we have a different impression of our past, and some want to go back to it. But our past if full of not quite reaching our great potential, falling short of our great ideas that started us as a nation and as people of faith. Our past is littered with short comings and miss treatment of people who are different than we are. Our current millennial group of non participants in church, blame our hypocrisy for why they aren't eager to work with the church to bring in the kingdom. We have to leave Egypt behind and move toward an unfamiliar promised land, and stop forming a back to Egypt committee as they did in the desert before Moses could get them to move forward.
Be like Joseph and dream dreams, image what God could do, seek first the kingdom and work toward it. It seems God keeps calling us to be better at who we are and how we follow Jesus. It may appear awkward at first, these big dreams. But without a "what if", nothing would have been invented, nothing would have been tried. I so relate to the agony of the pilgrims when they were still in Holland thinking about going to the new world and getting the chance to live out their faith. They came up with many reasons why not to go to the new land. They were afraid of natives, animals, lack of food, harsh environments, dangers at sea. But the faithful in their midst, reminded them that in the midst of the fears, God spoke a word of trust. Not all the bad things would happen, some of the bad things could be prepared for, and the rest would be a miracle because God was with them. Dream dreams that help us move toward the kingdom of God.
Jesus said we must lead by serving others. We become used to being put aside for thee, a John Wesley idea too. Uncomfortable with the weird just pushes us toward trusting in God some more. Every challenge has it's getting used to. If we are prepared to accept that God will never put us where he cannot help us, that he will be with us where ever we go, we can last through the uncomfortable as we wait for the sea to be calmed and see what the next adventure Jesus leads us to, will be.
We are the body of Christ, and we need each other, collaborate, co-labor to grow the kingdom. It seems that Jesus was sending out the disciples on missions teams not solo, but with a companion. If we trust that others can help us far more than we can possible figure out on our own, we will be much better off and accomplish far more than we could have imagined. So put aside that it's all about you, and learn it's all about us. One leg on a stool, not so good, one strand in a rope, easily broken, but three legs on a stool, or three strands in a rope, and the power begins to grow. Be a Collaborator.
With God’s help we are able to do far more than we can even imagine (Eph 3:20) Be a visionary, thinking ahead, looking for ways that God can make a new beginning. Don't just sit there and think, get up and do. Get up and worship with others, where ever two or three are gathered... Get up and go, to a Bible Study, to a mission project, do something to help neighbors, make a real difference. Even the simplest effort can change someone's world.
I want to thank Julie Friedman Steele, the new CEO of the world future society, of which I've been a member a long time, for her remarks. I thank God that they are so closely aligned with mission purposes we have been given, by the Great Commission ( Matt. 28:16-20)
Blessings on your responses
Pastor Jeff
From CEO Julie Friedman Steele’s intro speech
Pillars of the future, but awesome for discipleship
1. Have Empathy, see others from their perspective in life
2. Be a Life Long Learner, always learning new things
3. Be a Life Long Unlearner, abandoned what no longer works
4. Be a Dreamer, constantly thinking about what could be
5. Be comfortable feeling uncomfortable, the world keeps changing
6. Be a Collaborator, we all need each other, work with others
7. Be a Visionary Doer, put new things into action, practice etc.
If as people of faith want to make a difference for our world and help usher in the kingdom, we ought to be into this too. Empathy, genuinely getting connected to our brothers and sisters, not only from a spiritual stand point, but for our communities, our nation and our world. Here is where Scripture admonishes us to be welcoming the stranger, and especially mindful of accepting the immigrants. There are multiple references to reminders from God that we were aliens too in our faith history. Love one another, helps to fulfill the second great commandment. Empathy is applying our awareness of what people are going through, so that we can relate to them in positive ways.
Empathy, we must care for others, it will motivate us to do something about what’s wrong.
A disciple of Jesus is a life long learner. Jesus said teach each other all that he taught us, we will constantly be learning about ourselves and God and others. Seek wisdom, our scripture admonishes us to do. Each day can reveal something new about God and our world, so that we can respond and connect and make it better. Learning doesn't ever have to stop. That's what will keep us young, fresh ideas will inspire us to make a positive step forward.
The old has gone, the new has come. Be ready for behold God does a new thing, can’t you see it? We have to put away permanently that the old way was so good. It's never been perfect. Because we were used to it, made it feel good. Our political challenges right now are that we have a different impression of our past, and some want to go back to it. But our past if full of not quite reaching our great potential, falling short of our great ideas that started us as a nation and as people of faith. Our past is littered with short comings and miss treatment of people who are different than we are. Our current millennial group of non participants in church, blame our hypocrisy for why they aren't eager to work with the church to bring in the kingdom. We have to leave Egypt behind and move toward an unfamiliar promised land, and stop forming a back to Egypt committee as they did in the desert before Moses could get them to move forward.
Be like Joseph and dream dreams, image what God could do, seek first the kingdom and work toward it. It seems God keeps calling us to be better at who we are and how we follow Jesus. It may appear awkward at first, these big dreams. But without a "what if", nothing would have been invented, nothing would have been tried. I so relate to the agony of the pilgrims when they were still in Holland thinking about going to the new world and getting the chance to live out their faith. They came up with many reasons why not to go to the new land. They were afraid of natives, animals, lack of food, harsh environments, dangers at sea. But the faithful in their midst, reminded them that in the midst of the fears, God spoke a word of trust. Not all the bad things would happen, some of the bad things could be prepared for, and the rest would be a miracle because God was with them. Dream dreams that help us move toward the kingdom of God.
Jesus said we must lead by serving others. We become used to being put aside for thee, a John Wesley idea too. Uncomfortable with the weird just pushes us toward trusting in God some more. Every challenge has it's getting used to. If we are prepared to accept that God will never put us where he cannot help us, that he will be with us where ever we go, we can last through the uncomfortable as we wait for the sea to be calmed and see what the next adventure Jesus leads us to, will be.
We are the body of Christ, and we need each other, collaborate, co-labor to grow the kingdom. It seems that Jesus was sending out the disciples on missions teams not solo, but with a companion. If we trust that others can help us far more than we can possible figure out on our own, we will be much better off and accomplish far more than we could have imagined. So put aside that it's all about you, and learn it's all about us. One leg on a stool, not so good, one strand in a rope, easily broken, but three legs on a stool, or three strands in a rope, and the power begins to grow. Be a Collaborator.
With God’s help we are able to do far more than we can even imagine (Eph 3:20) Be a visionary, thinking ahead, looking for ways that God can make a new beginning. Don't just sit there and think, get up and do. Get up and worship with others, where ever two or three are gathered... Get up and go, to a Bible Study, to a mission project, do something to help neighbors, make a real difference. Even the simplest effort can change someone's world.
I want to thank Julie Friedman Steele, the new CEO of the world future society, of which I've been a member a long time, for her remarks. I thank God that they are so closely aligned with mission purposes we have been given, by the Great Commission ( Matt. 28:16-20)
Blessings on your responses
Pastor Jeff
Friday, June 10, 2016
Living with a new hip
It's amazing how much we take for granted, without ever thinking about it. I've just gotten home from the hospital following a hip replacement operation. Who would think climbing stairs going to the bathroom, getting sox on and getting in and out of bed become torcherous time consuming events with starts and stops and begin agains.
I was looking forward to some days of rest, but didn't think it would take so much time to get to where I want to go. I love our house and it's deck and will be on there for several days weather permitting. I can recline, watch tv walk to the bathroom and the kitchen and do my walking around the house in recouparation all on one floor, and climb the stairs at night. Woo. My friends have loaned me medical equipment of all kinds to make this work. Thank you all so much.
I'll write some more when I can think more clearly.
Keep your prayers coming please!
Pastor Jeff
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
New Journey Old Habits
Hello Blog Readers
Wow, the changes in the political news in just two days has been amazing. We had two candidates suspend or drop out of the race to the White House for now. I'm not sure it doesn't mean something is afoot for later. It just makes life interesting.
Tomorrow May 5th is National Day of Prayer for our nation. We are all urged to pray for our country and for it's ongoing challenges related to everything, Economic, Employment, Deficit, Campaigns, ISIS, Flooding, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Global Warming, etc. Each of those items could fill a whole day of prayer. Maybe you ought to spend some time on each of them. Our country can sure use a fresh fall of Grace & Mercy from God in the midst of everything right now.
My campaign for Congress revealed how far we have fallen from the days, if ever, of real civic pride and good citizenship. We have lost a sense of the greater good, and the willingness to put aside our own agenda for the greatest cause. I sense our parents and grandparents knew that during WW2, and were willing to sacrifice to bring our country victory. I think the sixties blew that away, and we are now very individually focused and find it very hard to relate to someone else, not in our immediate family.
I urge you to be in prayer for our country. Someone mentioned to me that we were in need of a major revival nationwide. Church attendance is down, giving is down, public service volunteering is down and many other doing for others activities have greatly reduced in size and benefit to our community. How do we make this better. Even going to the polls to vote has been declining over the years and we need much more involvement and less criticism. I want to tell people, a nasty streak in me, that if you didn't vote, you can't complain, period. Just stop right there and don't say another word until you can show me your I voted sticker. Wouldn't that shut a lot of people up.
We do need a revival. We need to recover a sense of value at being a citizen of this great nation. We need a revival of care for and investment in what is right and good and helpful to one another. I prayed the prayer of St. Francis a lot during the campaign in preparation for debates and forums and meet and greets. "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; were there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning, that we are pardoned; and it is is dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen."
We need a revival of that kind of attitude. It would make the country so much better. When a tornado strikes a community, all of the neighbors seem to pitch in and help. People from all around come to the rescue. Why does it stop when the wind dies down, and the debris has been cleaned up?
The challenges of leading this country are great. It will take someone with a great vision for making this kind of work happen to help us move forward. So please pray for that all day tomorrow. And don't stop after the National Day of Prayer is over. Keep it up.
I am sure praying for our country, I hope you do too.
Pastor Jeff
Wow, the changes in the political news in just two days has been amazing. We had two candidates suspend or drop out of the race to the White House for now. I'm not sure it doesn't mean something is afoot for later. It just makes life interesting.
Tomorrow May 5th is National Day of Prayer for our nation. We are all urged to pray for our country and for it's ongoing challenges related to everything, Economic, Employment, Deficit, Campaigns, ISIS, Flooding, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Global Warming, etc. Each of those items could fill a whole day of prayer. Maybe you ought to spend some time on each of them. Our country can sure use a fresh fall of Grace & Mercy from God in the midst of everything right now.
My campaign for Congress revealed how far we have fallen from the days, if ever, of real civic pride and good citizenship. We have lost a sense of the greater good, and the willingness to put aside our own agenda for the greatest cause. I sense our parents and grandparents knew that during WW2, and were willing to sacrifice to bring our country victory. I think the sixties blew that away, and we are now very individually focused and find it very hard to relate to someone else, not in our immediate family.
I urge you to be in prayer for our country. Someone mentioned to me that we were in need of a major revival nationwide. Church attendance is down, giving is down, public service volunteering is down and many other doing for others activities have greatly reduced in size and benefit to our community. How do we make this better. Even going to the polls to vote has been declining over the years and we need much more involvement and less criticism. I want to tell people, a nasty streak in me, that if you didn't vote, you can't complain, period. Just stop right there and don't say another word until you can show me your I voted sticker. Wouldn't that shut a lot of people up.
We do need a revival. We need to recover a sense of value at being a citizen of this great nation. We need a revival of care for and investment in what is right and good and helpful to one another. I prayed the prayer of St. Francis a lot during the campaign in preparation for debates and forums and meet and greets. "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; were there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning, that we are pardoned; and it is is dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen."
We need a revival of that kind of attitude. It would make the country so much better. When a tornado strikes a community, all of the neighbors seem to pitch in and help. People from all around come to the rescue. Why does it stop when the wind dies down, and the debris has been cleaned up?
The challenges of leading this country are great. It will take someone with a great vision for making this kind of work happen to help us move forward. So please pray for that all day tomorrow. And don't stop after the National Day of Prayer is over. Keep it up.
I am sure praying for our country, I hope you do too.
Pastor Jeff
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Motivation for political effort
Hello Blog readers,
I'm still reflecting on the results of my recent run for Congress and thinking about what happened, and what can I or even we learn from all of this. I'm not trying to be negative, but I learned how stuck we seem to be on the negativity and narrow mindedness of some of our positions.
I understand the hurt. Life does not turn out the way we think it should sometimes. We look to blame others. Just look at Cain and Able in the early stages of life. Cain wanted to blame somebody and took it out on his brother. We seem to fall into that trap over and over again.
If our life doesn't turn out the way we hoped, who can we blame? We probably ought to start with ourselves. We don't have ultimate control on all things, and we have to remember that. I pray all the time the way Jesus taught, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." The Lord's Prayer is still a vital part of this. Not to blame God, but a lot of the time, we don't bother to check in with God about what is best for us, so we run off on our own path and get into trouble of our own making. But we don't want to admit that, so we blame others.
What can we do, when life doesn't fit our plan. I created an Unemployed Support Group, in two different churches as a response to the needs of my congregation, when a local business closed and made several of my church members unemployed. We would gather on Monday mornings, to give them purpose for starting the week, and we would encourage each other. I did a lot of grief counseling at that point and grief needs to be dealt with because in many ways that is what leads us to more trouble. We don't grieve well enough the last dead end we hit, to be able to move forward.
In the Unemployed support group, we looked at figuring out who we really were, what our interests and experiences were. We looked back at what we dreamed we would be as kids thinking about what to do when we grew up. We redid our resumes with help of experts to find a better way to say what we could do. In some cases we looked at going in a different direction altogether. That would take some classes or reading or interning in a different field to get started. I urged the class members to talk to people who do the things they thought they might like to do to gain knowledge and information to pursue it if necessary.
So maybe we need to look into a different direction with the anger in this country. Can we fix the mess we are in by looking at our disappointment and charting a new course? Are we out of work because we didn't have the skills necessary to keep up with the changes? Don't blame someone else for taking your job if you weren't ready for it anyway. There is a feeling that the immigrants are taking all the jobs. But they are willing to work at almost anything to get started on their dream. We need the same inner fire to go after it. I bet our grandparents, or whoever in our family got here first put that kind of effort into succeeding.
As a country, we need to look beyond ourselves because we are a big country. We need to look at the whole story more often than we do. We need to reconnect to our family, our tribe, our neighborhood and build on that.
Family is very important and it can be a biological family or a close network of friends who share a passion to do better. Don't make friends with people who tear you down or limit your potential. Find friends who will believe in you. This will require developing a skill called love. The Biblical kind of love. See I Corinthians 13 as an example.
Tribe is a bigger family, more diversified, but similar connections. We have to learn to look beyond the immediate family to relate to more people. A tribe could be your church, your groups like Lions Club or other similar associations. Meeting more people with a common focus or purpose. It could also be the community that our children go to school in. Develop some pride in the place where we find ourselves in the most of time.
Enough rambling for the moment, I have several ideas about how we need to look beyond ourselves and develop positive new places. Come on the journey to explore them.
Pastor Jeff
I'm still reflecting on the results of my recent run for Congress and thinking about what happened, and what can I or even we learn from all of this. I'm not trying to be negative, but I learned how stuck we seem to be on the negativity and narrow mindedness of some of our positions.
I understand the hurt. Life does not turn out the way we think it should sometimes. We look to blame others. Just look at Cain and Able in the early stages of life. Cain wanted to blame somebody and took it out on his brother. We seem to fall into that trap over and over again.
If our life doesn't turn out the way we hoped, who can we blame? We probably ought to start with ourselves. We don't have ultimate control on all things, and we have to remember that. I pray all the time the way Jesus taught, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." The Lord's Prayer is still a vital part of this. Not to blame God, but a lot of the time, we don't bother to check in with God about what is best for us, so we run off on our own path and get into trouble of our own making. But we don't want to admit that, so we blame others.
What can we do, when life doesn't fit our plan. I created an Unemployed Support Group, in two different churches as a response to the needs of my congregation, when a local business closed and made several of my church members unemployed. We would gather on Monday mornings, to give them purpose for starting the week, and we would encourage each other. I did a lot of grief counseling at that point and grief needs to be dealt with because in many ways that is what leads us to more trouble. We don't grieve well enough the last dead end we hit, to be able to move forward.
In the Unemployed support group, we looked at figuring out who we really were, what our interests and experiences were. We looked back at what we dreamed we would be as kids thinking about what to do when we grew up. We redid our resumes with help of experts to find a better way to say what we could do. In some cases we looked at going in a different direction altogether. That would take some classes or reading or interning in a different field to get started. I urged the class members to talk to people who do the things they thought they might like to do to gain knowledge and information to pursue it if necessary.
So maybe we need to look into a different direction with the anger in this country. Can we fix the mess we are in by looking at our disappointment and charting a new course? Are we out of work because we didn't have the skills necessary to keep up with the changes? Don't blame someone else for taking your job if you weren't ready for it anyway. There is a feeling that the immigrants are taking all the jobs. But they are willing to work at almost anything to get started on their dream. We need the same inner fire to go after it. I bet our grandparents, or whoever in our family got here first put that kind of effort into succeeding.
As a country, we need to look beyond ourselves because we are a big country. We need to look at the whole story more often than we do. We need to reconnect to our family, our tribe, our neighborhood and build on that.
Family is very important and it can be a biological family or a close network of friends who share a passion to do better. Don't make friends with people who tear you down or limit your potential. Find friends who will believe in you. This will require developing a skill called love. The Biblical kind of love. See I Corinthians 13 as an example.
Tribe is a bigger family, more diversified, but similar connections. We have to learn to look beyond the immediate family to relate to more people. A tribe could be your church, your groups like Lions Club or other similar associations. Meeting more people with a common focus or purpose. It could also be the community that our children go to school in. Develop some pride in the place where we find ourselves in the most of time.
Enough rambling for the moment, I have several ideas about how we need to look beyond ourselves and develop positive new places. Come on the journey to explore them.
Pastor Jeff
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
The Day After an Election Lost
Today is Wednesday, the day after the Primary in Maryland, in which I ran for Congress in the 8th District for the Republican side. I came in second with only 8854 votes, but that was good enough for second and actually more votes collected than 9 other candidates from either party collected for themselves. So part of me feels like I did okay for my very first venture into politics.
I don't know that I would do it again, as much as it was an adventure to be involved in. I saw an opportunity because of the open seat created when our congressman decided to move up to Senator. He won the primary so he will have to work for the general election. I did not want to begin my political career bashing an incumbent. I wanted a very positive campaign. There are very few open seats in Congress. And once in there it's a 92% chance of returning for another term.
One of the reasons I wanted to run was that I was sick of the gridlock in Congress. This group has one of the lowest approval ratings ever. It also has produced the fewest bills of any Congress going back to 1947 Post WW2. The squabbling and the gridlock brought the work of our government to a halt and I wanted to improve the situation with some pastoral counseling to get them to move beyond the gridlock. I know outsiders would do well, and a trusted outsider like a pastor might have a pretty good shot at it. My main opponent was a Freedom Caucus very conservative lawyer. He won. I thought the Tea Party enthusiasm had waned a bit since the gridlock was partially their doing. But there were 10,000 more of those folks in our district than the more moderate voter I appealed to.
So I'm reflecting on what I learned over the past 3 months.
Civic Duty and understanding of our responsibility in the political process is practically non-existent. We are angry, we complain and we stay home because we would rather voice our displeasure than try to do something. Our lessons on Democracy and the Republican hybrid government we have has been long forgotten.
One of the reasons there is gridlock in Congress is that they don't know how to talk to each other and to compromise. But guess what, they do represent us. We don't know how to listen and talk to one another either. WE have lost all civility and ability to gain something from an opponent with a different opinion. I witnessed some really ugly confrontations because we seem to assume that if you don't agree with me completely you are a total idiot and ought to be shipped back to where ever you came from. No matter where you came from. I thought before I ran that we had more common sense and consideration for one another. I'm surprised that we don't, not nearly as much as I had hoped.
One of the surprises from all of this is that I came in second. I spent a little under $3,000. Some signs, some permits, some phone calls to our constituency, some brochures to hand out. I was in every Voter Guide, attended every debate and forum during my run for Congress. I filmed two public service commercials, as did the other #2. The other party #2 guy, spent $12 million of his own money for a number two spot. I feel so much better. More money on my part would not have won this side either.
One of the gifts of this race, was the people I met. For a brief moment, I was kind of a celebrity. Introduced in varous places as an important person. Met some great people, including Gov. John Kasich who is running against Trump. I shook his hand, introduced myself as a candidate for Congress, and he wished me good luck. Neither of us did that well. But I really appreciate his efforts at the Presidential level.
So what's next? I don't know. This blog will give me a chance to reflect on my discoveries and that might lead up to something. It has for others, it might for me.
I know I need to pray a lot about how I use this moment in the overall scheme of things. I've always been a "Not my Will, but Thine be done" type of guy. Now I will pray to sense how my feelings about the reason I ran might lead to something more, in that same spirit of "God what would you have me do now?"
I must thank my wife Elaine for incredible patience in this past three months. Her help was great. I must thank Mike Haney and Carole Oursler, my campaign director and my campaign treasurer for their continue presence and support. I must thank the volunteers who helped. I must thank my family for their continued support. I must thank the ones who voted for me. I thank God too, for the opportunity to care enough about our country to want to make it better. I still do.
Blessings on all of you. I'll write again real soon.
Pastor Jeff
I don't know that I would do it again, as much as it was an adventure to be involved in. I saw an opportunity because of the open seat created when our congressman decided to move up to Senator. He won the primary so he will have to work for the general election. I did not want to begin my political career bashing an incumbent. I wanted a very positive campaign. There are very few open seats in Congress. And once in there it's a 92% chance of returning for another term.
One of the reasons I wanted to run was that I was sick of the gridlock in Congress. This group has one of the lowest approval ratings ever. It also has produced the fewest bills of any Congress going back to 1947 Post WW2. The squabbling and the gridlock brought the work of our government to a halt and I wanted to improve the situation with some pastoral counseling to get them to move beyond the gridlock. I know outsiders would do well, and a trusted outsider like a pastor might have a pretty good shot at it. My main opponent was a Freedom Caucus very conservative lawyer. He won. I thought the Tea Party enthusiasm had waned a bit since the gridlock was partially their doing. But there were 10,000 more of those folks in our district than the more moderate voter I appealed to.
So I'm reflecting on what I learned over the past 3 months.
Civic Duty and understanding of our responsibility in the political process is practically non-existent. We are angry, we complain and we stay home because we would rather voice our displeasure than try to do something. Our lessons on Democracy and the Republican hybrid government we have has been long forgotten.
One of the reasons there is gridlock in Congress is that they don't know how to talk to each other and to compromise. But guess what, they do represent us. We don't know how to listen and talk to one another either. WE have lost all civility and ability to gain something from an opponent with a different opinion. I witnessed some really ugly confrontations because we seem to assume that if you don't agree with me completely you are a total idiot and ought to be shipped back to where ever you came from. No matter where you came from. I thought before I ran that we had more common sense and consideration for one another. I'm surprised that we don't, not nearly as much as I had hoped.
One of the surprises from all of this is that I came in second. I spent a little under $3,000. Some signs, some permits, some phone calls to our constituency, some brochures to hand out. I was in every Voter Guide, attended every debate and forum during my run for Congress. I filmed two public service commercials, as did the other #2. The other party #2 guy, spent $12 million of his own money for a number two spot. I feel so much better. More money on my part would not have won this side either.
One of the gifts of this race, was the people I met. For a brief moment, I was kind of a celebrity. Introduced in varous places as an important person. Met some great people, including Gov. John Kasich who is running against Trump. I shook his hand, introduced myself as a candidate for Congress, and he wished me good luck. Neither of us did that well. But I really appreciate his efforts at the Presidential level.
So what's next? I don't know. This blog will give me a chance to reflect on my discoveries and that might lead up to something. It has for others, it might for me.
I know I need to pray a lot about how I use this moment in the overall scheme of things. I've always been a "Not my Will, but Thine be done" type of guy. Now I will pray to sense how my feelings about the reason I ran might lead to something more, in that same spirit of "God what would you have me do now?"
I must thank my wife Elaine for incredible patience in this past three months. Her help was great. I must thank Mike Haney and Carole Oursler, my campaign director and my campaign treasurer for their continue presence and support. I must thank the volunteers who helped. I must thank my family for their continued support. I must thank the ones who voted for me. I thank God too, for the opportunity to care enough about our country to want to make it better. I still do.
Blessings on all of you. I'll write again real soon.
Pastor Jeff
Monday, March 14, 2016
Church & Politics by James E. White
Neck-deep in the presidential election cycle, it seems a good time to talk about the Christian and politics.
Let’s begin with the obvious. If there are two words that can raise the temperature in any room, they are “religion” and “politics;” or as Linus would add, “…and the Great Pumpkin.”
When it comes to religion and politics, we have deep convictions and opinions, denominations and parties, divides and loyalties. Christians in particular can get confused about how to engage the political realm.
On the one hand, we know that politics matter, as there are issues inextricably intertwined with politics that we are called to care deeply about as Christians: the definition of marriage, when life begins and ends, care for the poor, the treatment of the oppressed.
These are deeply spiritual matters and, as a result, deeply spiritual concerns. If politics touch on these issues, they touch on us as Christians.
But we’ve also been burned by politics - whether from embarrassment over the excesses of the religious right during the 1980s, or the groups that shout out “God hates fags,” or those who scream at women entering abortion clinics. In fact, we are so burned by politics, and often associated with it, that it’s become one of Christianity’s biggest image problems.
So here we are in an election year when, in just a few months, we’ll choose a new president and a slate of other elected officials.
What to do?
It might be healthy to refresh our thinking on what churches and their leaders can and cannot legally do. Here are some reminders, as once compiled by Christianity Today:
Since 1954, when then Senator Lyndon Johnson proposed and successfully passed legislation prohibiting nonprofits from either opposing or endorsing a candidate – after being opposed himself by a nonprofit organization – churches may not directly endorse or oppose a political candidate.
The key word is “directly.”
No church can officially say, “We endorse John Doe,” or “We oppose Jane Doe.” Not only that, but a pastor cannot send out a personal written endorsement on church letterhead. Political signs cannot be displayed on church property.
The only participation in the political process that is allowed is “indirect.”
Here is what that means -
As a pastor, I can personally endorse a candidate. I can tell you who I like in the church parking lot or the grocery store aisle in normal conversation. I just can’t do it directly from the podium.
As a pastor, I can also personally work for a candidate and contribute financially to their campaign, but the church itself cannot contribute financially with church funds even if approved by the membership.
As a pastor, I can endorse a candidate in print, and use my title and the church I am affiliated with.
As a pastor I am free to speak and teach on moral and social issues that may be integral to the political debate, such as abortion, gay marriage and economic matters – even if, by implication, it throws support toward one candidate and critiques another.
As a church, we can also take official positions on such issues as long as we don’t directly endorse or oppose a candidate in the process.
As a church, we can organize voter registrations and drives as long as they are directed at all eligible voters and not toward just one political party.
As a church, we can hold forums where candidates are invited to address the issues. If a candidate were to visit our church, they could be publicly recognized and introduced. We can even host candidates to speak from our stage, as long as that candidate is not directly endorsed nor urges the church to vote for them.
As a church, we can distribute non-partisan voter guides giving information on where each candidate stands on the issues.
And, of course, as a church we can offer our campus as a voting station.
This is what a church, and its leadership, is currently allowed to do. How much or how little of this an individual church avails itself of during an election cycle varies from church to church. At Meck, we steer clear of anything overt for the simple reason that we are passionate about reaching the unchurched, and being “associated” with politics provides an unnecessary and avoidable barrier to presenting the gospel. And in our culture, even the most innocent of connections or appearances can make this association.
So do I speak openly about issues? Yes, very openly, but no one who would hear me speak on, say, gay marriage, abortion, economic justice or racial reconciliation, would feel the talk was in any way meant to be political.
And in truth, such talks never are. It’s just teaching and applying the Bible to all of life and culture. Let the political chips fall where they may. I’m a Bible guy, and that’s what I’m going to teach. If such teaching informs the political involvement of the Christ follower, then so be it – and good if it does, for that matter. But that’s not the primary purpose.
So what of the individual Christian?
Politics can be a dizzying affair and is increasingly difficult to navigate. Clearly God is not aligned with any political party. There is a fascinating passage in the Old Testament where an angel of the Lord comes to Joshua. The Bible records that “Joshua went up to him and asked, ‘Are you for us or for our enemies?’ ‘Neither,’ he replied, ‘but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come’” (Joshua 5:13-14, NIV).
Soak that one in.
Yet there are stands that one or both parties may take on a specific issue that reflect the Kingdom of God or do not; issues about the sanctity of human life, the definition of marriage and family, how the poor are treated, and whether those who are victimized are protected. Based on your reading of the Bible, you may find that one party gets one set of issues right (say on sexual morality) and another party gets another set of issues right (say on economic morality).
And to add to the complexity, on some of these issues thoughtful Christians disagree about how best to flesh out the principles of the Bible in addressing various matters; such as with immigration or welfare, when a war is just and when it is not, or how best to care for the environment.
But however you vote, vote.
Christians should dig deep into the issues, even deeper into the Scriptures, and emerge with a resolve to care deeply and work passionately within the civic circle of affairs.
They should run for office when God calls them to it, and strive to make a difference in that realm. Not as a partisan Democrat or Republican, though they may be aligned with such a party, but primarily as a Christian attempting to be salt and light.
Because it matters.
Those who turn their back on politics do so at great risk. Namely, the risk of abdicating their role in standing against the onslaught of evil.
In my office I have a small, brass bust of Winston Churchill. It is the only such sculpture I own. I purchased it at his birthplace at Blenheim Palace in England. It reminds me of a life that reflected passion, resolve and conviction against rank evil.
Almost singlehandedly, Churchill resisted one of the greatest assaults of evil the world has ever known, willing the world to concern and then victory. His words to the English people, particularly during that dark summer of 1940, still stir the human heart:
"Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known or cared for, will sink in to the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"
Later, biographers would call it his finest hour. And it was.
Compare that to the confession of Martin Niemoller, a pastor in Germany who initially sent a telegram congratulating Hitler on his rise to power. Later, when he came to see the truth, he reflected on his political naiveté with these words:
"In Germany, they came first for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up became I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Let that never be our confession. But if it ever is, it will be because we somehow thought that the Christian must never enter the world of politics.
The truth is that the Christian must.
The world is depending on it.
James Emery White
On what a pastor, or church, can “do” politically (as outlined above), see “Politics from the Pulpit,” posted January 7, 2008, on the “Out of Ur” blog as compiled by Allen R. Bevere; read online here.
Churchill’s speech was delivered on June 18, 1940, and is quoted here from Norman Rose, Churchill: The Unruly Giant (New York: The Free Press, 1994), p. 329.
Martin Niemoller’s confession was actually a poem and has been represented in various ways with minor variations. This is the version that Niemoller himself said he preferred, when asked by Richard John Neuhaus in 1971, as relayed in the November 2001 issue of First Things.
James Emery White is the founding and senior pastor of Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, NC, and the ranked adjunctive professor of theology and culture at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, where he also served as their fourth president. His latest book, The Rise of the Nones: Understanding and Reaching the Religiously Unaffiliated, isavailable on Amazon. To enjoy a free subscription to the Church and Culture blog, visit, where you can view past blogs in our archive and read the latest church and culture news from around the world. You can also find out information about the 2016 Church and Culture Conference. Follow Dr. White on twitter @JamesEmeryWhite.
Monday, March 7, 2016
On Running for Congress
Hello Blog readers
Yes, I'm running for Congress, Republican for Md. 8th District. At the moment against four others before the primary. I have had a lot of questions asked of me about why. I have had several people become very worried that it will ruin my congregation because of this. I would like to address both of those here.
First I am running because I am sick and tired and angry about the gridlock in Congress. I heard Mike McCurry, Bill Clinton's press secretary and now a professor at Wesley Seminary tell us at Leadership Days, that there are really only 13 congressman who will routinely cross the aisle and vote for a good idea from the other party. Twenty years ago almost 300 of the 435 would cooperate or compromise to get legislation passed. Who ever the President was, they would work together. Now there seems to be such a digging in of heels that nothing is getting done. I am running because I believe very passionately that Abraham Lincoln is right we need a government "Of the people, By the people, For the people." A representative should know and consider the people again, not career or pressured by the PAC that put them there.
I'm running because I think we have the greatest nation on the the earth. Not perfect, but with a dedication to the principles of the Constitution and the understanding of history we can have great days ahead of us. We need a return to respect for one another. We need a return to a realization that the best ideas are shaped with dialogue and compromise so that more can be accomplished. We can't do this alone. We can do better with common sense, for the common good.
I don't have the answers for all of the challenges we face. But I believe we can work on them together and it will be somewhere in between what any one side thinks will work. I think a lot of our challenges can be negotiated, especially with an eye toward how this great nation got here in the first place. With respect, with a welcoming of new ideas and new energy coming into the country by people who really wanted to be here with us.
I believe a lot us want the government to solve some of the problems that we ourselves need to work on. We need a return to the greatness of neighbors helping neighbors, of strong communities working together. Helping each other up when they are down. Looking out for one another, connecting to one another.
Now some thoughts about hurting the congregation because I am running for Congress. I believe this is a God thing. And I believe as I have preached when you see something that needs fixing and don't do something about it, you are only lukewarm in your faith and not responding to God's leading. I wish more people would trust that God can do great things. I wish people would trust that God can accomplish work for the Kingdom with the help of the Holy Spirit leading a congregation, not the earthly work of a pastor. I am committed to my congregation and want all of us to grow in our faith so that we become the people God wants. The race to Congress is a very long shot, and I'm likely to be out of the race after the Primary and back full time as pastor. It's only a few more weeks.
But should a miracle of David versus Goliath occur and I find myself still on the race for Congress, we will find good ways to do what needs to be done in the congregation. The whole idea is that we are a body of Christ. Christ is the head and the leader, and each of us have a part to play in sharing God's love in our community. Each of us have a role in that Body of Christ that will continue, whether I'm still running for Congress or not. I will continue to emphasize that the church belongs to Jesus, and we all take our leadership from him. We will be able to do all of this, if we but trust in God.
Thank you all for your prayers and your concerns. And may God continue to bless us everyone.
Pastor Jeff
Yes, I'm running for Congress, Republican for Md. 8th District. At the moment against four others before the primary. I have had a lot of questions asked of me about why. I have had several people become very worried that it will ruin my congregation because of this. I would like to address both of those here.
First I am running because I am sick and tired and angry about the gridlock in Congress. I heard Mike McCurry, Bill Clinton's press secretary and now a professor at Wesley Seminary tell us at Leadership Days, that there are really only 13 congressman who will routinely cross the aisle and vote for a good idea from the other party. Twenty years ago almost 300 of the 435 would cooperate or compromise to get legislation passed. Who ever the President was, they would work together. Now there seems to be such a digging in of heels that nothing is getting done. I am running because I believe very passionately that Abraham Lincoln is right we need a government "Of the people, By the people, For the people." A representative should know and consider the people again, not career or pressured by the PAC that put them there.
I'm running because I think we have the greatest nation on the the earth. Not perfect, but with a dedication to the principles of the Constitution and the understanding of history we can have great days ahead of us. We need a return to respect for one another. We need a return to a realization that the best ideas are shaped with dialogue and compromise so that more can be accomplished. We can't do this alone. We can do better with common sense, for the common good.
I don't have the answers for all of the challenges we face. But I believe we can work on them together and it will be somewhere in between what any one side thinks will work. I think a lot of our challenges can be negotiated, especially with an eye toward how this great nation got here in the first place. With respect, with a welcoming of new ideas and new energy coming into the country by people who really wanted to be here with us.
I believe a lot us want the government to solve some of the problems that we ourselves need to work on. We need a return to the greatness of neighbors helping neighbors, of strong communities working together. Helping each other up when they are down. Looking out for one another, connecting to one another.
Now some thoughts about hurting the congregation because I am running for Congress. I believe this is a God thing. And I believe as I have preached when you see something that needs fixing and don't do something about it, you are only lukewarm in your faith and not responding to God's leading. I wish more people would trust that God can do great things. I wish people would trust that God can accomplish work for the Kingdom with the help of the Holy Spirit leading a congregation, not the earthly work of a pastor. I am committed to my congregation and want all of us to grow in our faith so that we become the people God wants. The race to Congress is a very long shot, and I'm likely to be out of the race after the Primary and back full time as pastor. It's only a few more weeks.
But should a miracle of David versus Goliath occur and I find myself still on the race for Congress, we will find good ways to do what needs to be done in the congregation. The whole idea is that we are a body of Christ. Christ is the head and the leader, and each of us have a part to play in sharing God's love in our community. Each of us have a role in that Body of Christ that will continue, whether I'm still running for Congress or not. I will continue to emphasize that the church belongs to Jesus, and we all take our leadership from him. We will be able to do all of this, if we but trust in God.
Thank you all for your prayers and your concerns. And may God continue to bless us everyone.
Pastor Jeff
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Video Sermons
Hello Readers
Here is a link to the videos that I promised. go to you tube and type in Colby626 & Pastor Jeff Jones, and it will show you a list of videos you can watch.
Blessings on you during the snow storm of 2016
Pastor Jeff
Here is a link to the videos that I promised. go to you tube and type in Colby626 & Pastor Jeff Jones, and it will show you a list of videos you can watch.
Blessings on you during the snow storm of 2016
Pastor Jeff
Monday, January 18, 2016
Remembering Marting Luther King Jr. on this special day
I am sharing this blog post from James Emery White, a pastor whose books and thoughts I truly appreciate, for this special day. Well said, and a lot to think about.
Pastor Jeff
Today the nation celebrates
what would have been Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 87th birthday. Sharon Shahid once
openly wondered whether his famed essay, Letter
from Birmingham Jail, “would have made such a lasting impression or had as
powerful an impact if today’s instant communication devices existed, and if
someone smuggled a BlackBerry or a mobile phone into his cell. What would have
happened if he texted the famous letter or used Twitter – in 140 characters or
“Instead of a legacy,”
she suggests, “he most likely would have started a conversation.”
And that’s all.
“King’s voice – so
poignant and crystal-clear in print – simply would lose its resonance in cyber
ink…. A tweet would have faded into ether minutes after it was released,
drowned out by a thousand other disparate musings.”
But that is the least
of the challenges our current context would bring to King’s words making an
impact in our day. Why? It was a prophet’s voice based on a thoroughgoing
Christian worldview.
And today, there are
few such prophets.
Consider the term
itself, worldview, from the German Weltanschauung
(literally “world perception”), which suggests more than a set of ideas by
which you judge other ideas. It is, as Gene Edward Veith has written, “a way to
engage constructively the whole range of human expression from a Christian
perspective.” Or as Jonathan Edwards once contended, arguably the greatest intellect
America has ever produced, the basic goal of any intellect is to work toward
“the consistency and agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God.”
consider the worldview questions posed by Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey,
based on creation, the fall, and redemption: Where did we come from and who are
we? What has gone wrong with the world? What can we do to fix it? How now shall
we live?
Reflect on the response
to the first and most foundational of these questions – where did we come from?
There are a limited number of answers at our disposal: We came about by chance
(the Naturalist contention), we don’t really exist (the Hindu response), or we
were spoken into existence by God.
Even if one makes more
obscure suggestions, such as Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking (that we were
seeded here by another race of beings from another planet), one would then have
to account for their existence.
So for the Christian,
the answer to “Where did we come from and who are we?” gives a foundation for
thinking that no other answer gives. Because we were created, there is value in
each person. There is meaning and purpose to every life. There is Someone above
and outside of our existence who stands over it as authority.
Because of this answer,
Martin Luther King, Jr., could write the immortal words found in his jailhouse
“...there are two types of law: just and unjust.... A just
law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An
unjust law is a code that is out harmony with the moral law.... Any law that
uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is
unjust. All segregation statutes are unjust because segregation distorts the
soul and damages the personality.”
King’s argument was
based on the worth of a human being bestowed by God regardless of what other
humans might have to say; King laid claim to a law above man’s law. No other
worldview would have given King the basis for such a claim.
And from such a
worldview, the world was changed.
But would such a
worldview get a hearing today?
And there lies the
irony; as a culture, we celebrate a man’s Christian convictions that were used
to change our culture in the past, while simultaneously rejecting those values
as a part of shaping our culture for the future.
Which means the next
young leader with passion and conviction may have a dream, but if it’s based on
King’s worldview, it will never be heard. Or if heard, will never spark the
cultural revolution it did before.
Not because it would be
tweeted instead of written.
But because it would be
based on something not of this world that the world no longer recognizes.
Emery White
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