Saturday, February 22, 2025

Wisdom From Jimmy Carter for Today

 To share with others

God’s Political Agenda 

Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness. May he judge your people in righteousness, your afflicted ones with justice.    PSALM 72:1 – 2 

What divisive issues have provided the most highly publicized controversies among Christian denominations in modern-day America? I’d suggest these: inerrancy of Scripture, imposition of creeds, exaltation of pastors, financial and other material rewards for worship, condemnation of homosexuals, women’s role in church leadership, abortion, separation of religion and politics, support for military adventures, and prayer in schools. Unfortunately, some of the debates have deteriorated into a total lack of harmony or even personal animosity. I am sure that you could add other issues. 

Holy Scripture gives us many ideas about God’s “political” agenda. Psalm 72 probably was written for the coronation of some Israelite king. The Hebrews looked on their king as God’s servant, the connecting link between God and the people. So when the king wasn’t right with God, neither were the people. When the king violated God’s covenants about justice and righteousness, Israel lost battles and her people went into captivity. 

I find it somewhat reassuring to realize that similar issues caused dissension among members of the early Christian churches. They involved arguments over such things as how to observe communion, circumcision as a prerequisite for being a Christian, eating of meat sacrificed to idols, treatment of the Sabbath, and ranking of Jesus’ disciples. 

Jesus, Paul, Peter, and other leaders advised strongly that such human differences of opinion, no matter how important they seem, should never be permitted to divide believers from each other. We should accept our differences and serve harmoniously together by accepting the overall premise that we are all equal in God’s sight. All of us are saved by God’s grace through our mutual faith in Jesus Christ. So why not work together? 

O Lord, help me realize that when my voice espouses and demonstrates peace, justice, compassion, humility, service, forgiveness, and unselfish love, it can help bring healing of differences and blessings to others. Forgive me for my failure to recognize inequities and dissensions that exist in our society, and grant me the wisdom to encourage harmony among all Christians. In Christ’s name I pray. Amen.

From Through The Year with Jimmy Carter 365 Daily Meditations from the 35th President

    I found this reflection most helpful in sorting out all that is going on right now in 2025

Prayers for you all as you reflect on this as well.


Pastor Jeff

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