Wednesday, August 17, 2022

 Dear Friends

   I'm the associate pastor at Mill Creek Parish in Derwood, MD these days. I have just completed the four Sundays serving in worship while our Pastor Rev. Joan Carter-Rimbach was on vacation.

   I offer the four sermons that I preached there this summer for you to look at if you would like by going to Mill Creek Parish. org. follow the Worship button and see sermons.

   The series is on the vision of Mill Creek Parish, Disciples are MADE at Mill Creek. The four letters represent the ways Discipleship, students of Jesus develop and are encouraged at Mill Creek Parish.

   M stands for Mission

   A stands for Adoration

   D stands for Discipleship

   E stand for Embrace your neighbor

   The four week series of sermons was to high light the four letters and to give encouragement for being involved in each of those areas as those who are developing their following Jesus.

   I recommend you go and watch them.

Thank you, and blessings to you all.

Pastor Jeff