Saturday, March 21, 2020

Wisdom for other places

Dear Church Family

Seth Godin’s blog for today is very relevant. For those who don’t know him, he is a business guru with many published books, many with crazy titles. The Dip, Purple Cow, Poke the Box, We Are All Weird, Leap First: Creating Work That Matters. One of the most sought after Business thinkers out there.

Here is Today’s Blog:  Day Trading Emotions
“When the stock market is on an upward tear, day trading becomes popular. You sit in your basement, surrounded by terminals and tickers, searching for the latest bits of information, hoping to make a profit buying and selling based on what’s happening in this very instant.
It’s pretty tempting to day trade your emotions.
We’ve piped the voices of a billion people directly into our brains. The loudest, angriest, most frightened people are the ones that are amplified the most.
Everyone sharing what’s breaking. The visceral angst of this very moment, over and over.
Just as it’s almost impossible to make a profit as a day trader, it’s difficult to be happy when you day trade emotions. But there’s an alternative:
Buy and hold.
Stand for something.
Stick with it.
Long-term contributions matter. Today ends tonight and tomorrow starts again, but we only get one long-term life.
Add up the sum of our days and that’s who we are. We get what we repeat.”
So I’m encouraging you to do what he says. We will survive if we remember we are God’s Creation, all God’s children. We will find stability in prayer. We will find strength in remembering our blessings. We will remember that God says to us just before each challenge, “Fear Not” or “Do Not Be Afraid.”  The idea is that God is with us, God knows exactly what we are going through and offers us the help we need through this pandemic. It’s often out of Chaos, that creativity comes. Read Genesis 1 again. Out of trauma, comes new appreciation for what we do have.
It’s my prayer that we see this is what is needed for today and each day we wrestle with social distancing. We will zoom the worship tomorrow. Check your flash email. Check the Facebook pages and there are a couple of them for NBUMC or North Bethesda UMC. Read my blog, for a new word for the day.   Pastor Jeff

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