Today is for this and that.
Several ideas are rolling around in my head today, so I thought I would share them.
Election & the importance of being good citizens
Watching the election results and seeing the see saw affect taking place, I wonder if we are going to be stuck in that for a while. Maybe, as some have suggested, our two party system is broken and we may need to find a new way to go about gathering together and supporting people we think can offer the best solutions for our multiple problems. I know going independent is almost a kiss of death for candidates, so they fall back into red or blue rather than being able to set up what should be a good platform of ideas. Somehow, we need to re read the inspirational writings of the Federalist Papers and other calls to democracy to understand how this might work going forward. I did run for Congress four years ago and learned several things, I just have not been able to focus on them given the system as it is. You might want to look into Citizens Unite, a third party idea for regaining some perspective in the process for going forward.
Church Vitality requires developing disciples
Watching what Covid did to churches, and watching the election results, and hearing from my friends in the church world, I believe we need a new way to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus. As I think about what's next for me, Discipleship Development, or whatever you want to call it is going to be a necessary part of any plan to bring vitality to the church. We have fallen down on knowing Jesus well enough to do what he would do in our variety of situations. Maybe because there are so many ideas, we end up being confused, or only partially hearing the message. Information overload is very powerful, at keeping us overwhelmed and in-active. There are so many divisions in the life of the Body of Christ, that we need to find a way to move forward in that world. Today I read an article about culturally diverse congregations are stronger than single culture churches, especially for today and going forward. It reminds us of what St. Paul said, that the body has many different parts, and the eye cannot say to the ear, I don't need you. But how do we make that work? What can motivate us to work harder at getting to know Jesus so well, we know how to act. He was the example we are to follow. Maybe we need a renewed emphasis on Gospel reading and digesting. Some of the answers will lie in stretching our attention span, reading larger sections in order to grow in understanding. John Wesley sure had a good idea about gathering people together to reflect and grow.
All of the above need a village, a community for support
This leads me to wondering how do we develop support groups for growing discipleship. Can we carve out time to get together in order to encourage each other to faithFULLness? I love St. Benedict for the reasons that he offered a support system that was a blend of study and work, He knew both were needed, and during a dark time in world history, his communities provided a way forward. We are in similar circumstances right now. As Rick Warren prepares to retire his Purpose Driven Life and Purpose Driven Church come to mind as great resources worthy of re discovering. Maybe every fifty years is about right, but most of us don't span the time to be able to recover the good stuff from long ago. Kind of like a generation (40 years in Scripture), who didn't remember what God was doing. I'm reading a One Year Bible again, and I'm in Judges chapters. May we cry out to God to send us a leader. Prayer for our faith to follow Jesus, and our hope for the world we live in, should be a good start. Then find something, or somewhere to plug into a support group, family, church, whatever that could make this work.
On Top of Everything Else
Elaine and I were rear-ended in our car two weeks ago. When it rains it pours.... The shipping backlog is affecting parts availability. We have been two weeks in a rental and the repair shop called to say they need another week to get it fixed and ready to go. Our insurance covered 5 or 6 days of rental coverage, the other insurance company will refund our money but we have to put it out first. Patience is such a touch character developer. At least we have a rental, at least we have the promise of reimbursement, and that includes doctor's visit, missed work, and diminished value on the car. Even though it's fixed, it will never be the same.... Our minds will always remember the horrible sound of the crash and wonder if there is something unseen, that didn't get fixed. Modern life nightmares. Please drive carefully, don't text and drive etc.
Well, I hope I have given you something to think about. Prayers and Blessings for you all.
Pastor Jeff
(I may be retired, but I'm still trying to encourage faith)
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